Dear Daughter Block of the Month


It's no secret how much I adore antique quilts. It's also no secret I have a habit of adopting quilts that are very time worn and no longer able to be used or displayed. Sometimes it's the fault of the harsh fabric dyes used many years ago and sometimes it's because a quilt was loved to pieces. I think Dear Daughter is a combination of both.

This is one of the pictures I saw before the adoption. It looks pretty raggy and I can tell you, the colors do not reflect the actual fabrics. I wasn't able to read any of the names, dates or inscriptions inked on the blocks before buying it.

The red fabric used in the sashing is in really bad shape but I had a strong feeling the quilt was meant to come home with me.

I hope you'll enjoy making blocks from this quilt made for Maxon and Sarah Dunham. It's abundantly clear when you read the inscriptions that much love, prayers and good wishes were stitched in every piece.  

My quilters eye tells me the red and blue sashing is a bit overpowering but effective. I'm tempted to use blue and white or red and white sashing in my own quilt. I'm leaving that decision until later. I'll include fabric yardage for those options in the materials list. The double blue fabric used in the quilt is one of the prettiest I've ever seen and I would love to find something like it. You could also adjust the size of the sashing to make it narrower. I'll leave the fabric calculations for that to you.

Refer to the blog posts for more information on the fabrics used.  The finished size of the quilt is 86" x 99"



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I'll post 4 blocks each month beginning in March 2018.  They will be free for one month. After that time you can purchase them at my web site. 

Dear Daughter - Materials List

Optional: Antique Signature Block Patterns

Dear Daughter - Complete Pattern



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