Pumpkin Pincushion Tutorial


Pumpkin Pincushions

Here's some what you'll need -

  • Six 5" squares of fabric
  • 3" square of brown felt
  • 4" x 7" piece of green felt
  • Pearl cotton or embroidery floss
  • Cloth covered floral wire
  • Crushed walnut shells, bird grit or another filler (2 1/2 cups)
  • Handful of polyester fiberfill

Make freezer paper templates for each of the shapes on the template page. Stack up your 5" squares and iron the freezer paper template for the pumpkin to the top square.

Cut out around the template.

Decide on the order you want to sew your shapes together.

Begin sewing 1/2" from the edge and stop sewing 1/4" from the other end. Backstitch at both ends.

Continue sewing the sections together until you have what looks a bit like a deflated beach ball.

Turn right side out through the little opening. Put a small amount of fiberfill inside and position it in the center bottom of the pumpkin.

You'll need a bowl, funnel and a measuring cup.

After you've poured about half of the filler inside, turn the raw edges of the opening under 1/2" and baste around the folded edge with your pearl cotton. Leave the ends so you can gather and tie it off later. Continue adding filling until you've used about 2 1/2 cups. Set pumpkin aside.

You can use a pencil and needle nose pliers with a wire cutter to make three tendrils.

Cut a 3" length of cloth covered floral wire and spread a little glue along one edge of brown felt.

Fold over the edge as tightly as you can around the wire and press the edge into the glue. Hold for a few seconds until the glue grips a little.

Continue to roll the felt as tightly as you can around the wire. Pin the raw edge in place until you can whipstitch the edge using matching thread.

Use the freezer paper leaf template to cut two leaves from the green felt. Cut a 4" piece of cloth covered floral wire. Sandwich the wire between the two felt leaf shapes and buttonhole stitch around the outside edge using pearl cotton.

Put small bits of fiberfill around the top of the pumpkin to even out the shape until you're happy with the way it looks.

Insert the stem, leaf and tendrils in opening. Draw up pearl cotton to close the opening. Tie tightly in a knot. You can tie the ends in a bow if you like. I threaded mine on a needle and pulled them through to the inside to hide them.

If you're like me and think you'll probably pick that pincushion up by the stem someday, you can secure it to the pumpkin by sewing some tacking stitches back and forth through it stitching it to the pumpkin fabric.

Use the circle freezer paper template to cut a piece of green felt to glue to the bottom of the pumpkin. You can bend and shape the leaf and stem to look more like a real pumpkin.

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